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What's New With My Site?

If you haven't visited my pages for a while, you can come here to check out what's new and what the latest updates are.

After my recent Jinxing (see bottom of page), I haven't got a lot of my webby done, sorry! Been bogged under with work (I'm taking my GCSEs - argh! Already done 4 exams, *only* 11 to go...). However, we've got a new computer and have signed up *again* for a different internet service provider, and hopefully nothing will go wrong this time! So check back during the summer hols when I should be getting much more of my webby done than I have in a while. I may get some done during my exams, but if I do, I'm being bad, because I should be revising! (Like now). I can't garuntee anything with the photos however. We bought a new disk to install our scanner, and we have a new computer to install it onto. Sounds good. Is it working? No!! Typical. It must just be me - this happened with our last scanner too! Lol. Anyway, I also now belong to www.livejournal.com. You can go and read my journal if you like (if you really have nothing better to do!) and add yourself as my friend =) (You need a livejournal account first though. But it's okay - they're free!)
Happy surfing!

Recent Updates...

Sorry there's not been any updates recently, it seems I've been jinxed! Firtsly, my computer got a virus (as you may have read on the home page), so I had to reinstall my computer and loose all my information. Then we couldn't fix our internet back up properly (long and complicated story), so we've had to re-register with someone else. So that took a couple of days to try and sort out. Then finally, after reinstalling our computer, we can't find the disc to install the driver for our scanner. I tried downloading one off the internet (same as the one we had before), but it wasn't working, it kept telling me that my scanner wasn't plugged in! (It was). So it may be a while before I am able to bring you the photos of Prague and Italy, sorry! :-S
